Our Blog

August 2023 Community Newsletter

August 25, 2023 4:17 pm

Garage Sale

Do you have “stuff” to get rid of? Well, here’s your chance… Saturday, September 9th is the fall garage sale. We’ve placed an ad in the paper, and will post a banner at the entrance. Residents are encouraged to post on social media and welcome to put out additional directional signs on the day of. If you have any remaining items you can donate to a local youth ranch, Savers, or call St. Vincent de Paul, as they will sometimes do pickups. You can also coordinate with the trash services for any additional pickups.

​​Back to School

School is starting again all over the valley. Please be sure to slow down, and be watchful of kids crossing the streets headed to and from school. Parents, please make sure kids know where the best crossing locations are.

Pool Closing

Get in the last of your swimming at the pool will be closing this next month. We’ll announce a date as we get a little closer, since we’re watching the weather. Please remember the rules, don’t share pool keys, and be courteous with the number of guests you bring into the pool.

Community Events

We have an upcoming Movie in the Park scheduled for the common area by the first pool at 5743 Asissi on September 8th. The movie will be Lucca, and will start around dusk. Bring your own low chairs and blankets to sit on. We’ll have some food trucks, but you’re also welcome to bring your own snacks.

Mark your calendar for October 7th, for the chili cook-off and Fall festival. We’re looking for contestants and judges, and all ages are encouraged to enter. More information to come on this event.

Board Meetings

Our new community board is meeting monthly. Dates are posted on the community calendar as they are scheduled. Residents are welcome to attend. If there’s anything you would like to see the Board review, please send it to: hoa@brightoncorp.com.

Golf Chipping

There’s been some reports of people practicing their golf chipping in the city parks and possibly common areas. In talking with the city this is an illegal activity, and there is a City code that can result in a $50 fine if you are caught. It is damaging to the turf and can be dangerous, so please share the word and go to the golf courses to practice.

Ada County Mosquito

Mosquitos are out. If you have concerns or need abatement you can reach out to Ada County at 208-577-4646.

Upcoming Events

If you’re interested in organizing an event for the community, please reach out to HOA@brightoncorp.com.

September 8 – Movie Night

September 9 – Fall Garage Sale

October 7 – Annual Chili Cook Off and Fall Festival

November – Thanksgiving Donation Drive

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This post was written by Brighton Corporation



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